What is Life Coaching?

Hi I'm B

I am a Life Coach specialising in accountability, focused actions and goal achievement. I am passionate about helping clients who are feeling lost, burnt-out or may be facing a mid-career crisis become better in all areas of their lives. 

With me as your coach you will discover answers, find solutions, and create possibilities to move forward in the area you want coaching. 

You are whole, complete, and resourceful, and I coach you knowing that! I’ll work one-on-one with you to take action in your relationships, business, and health to create the life you want to be living.

Are you going through a stage in your life where you feel lost, confused, or conflicted? Do you feel like you’re disconnected with the people around you, friends, co-worker’s or even with yourself? Are you feeling a lack of motivation, or lack and understanding of your true purpose? Do you yearn for a romantic partner or the perfect job? Or do you just want to upgrade your life to the next level?

Believe me I understand, I have been there, I have gone through personal and professional disappointments and joys; job offers, redundancies and promotions; moving house, moving county; make-ups and break-ups, there is nothing that scares me now! I am trained in helping people find themselves, find direction, and true happiness in all aspects of their lives.

Through all the ups and downs I often searched for a coach who I could discuss openly how I was feeling and what my goals and aspirations but I never made a connection that lasted. I now want to be that person, that confidant, to those looking for help make real changes or difficult decisions in their lives.

Here are a few initial questions that you might have answered 

  • What is Life Coaching?

Life coaching is a method of helping people improve their lives by providing them with guidance, direction, and accountability. A coach helps clients identify what they want out of life, set goals, and work towards achieving those goals.

  • How does Life Coaching help me?

Coaches help clients identify what they want from life, set goals, develop strategies for reaching those goals, and hold themselves accountable. Clients learn how to take control of their own lives and become empowered to make positive changes.

  • Why should I consider Life Coaching?

A coach provides a safe environment where clients feel comfortable sharing personal issues and concerns. Clients gain insight into their strengths and weaknesses and learn how to use these tools to achieve success.

  • What results can you expect from life coaching?

In life coaching we don't dwell on the past, we look to the future. Our focus will be to provide a safe space for you to explore your innermost wants, needs and desires and to develop a mindset that will help you achieve your goals.


  • How long do I need coaching for?

Coaching is not therapy and I do not want to meet you every week for months on end. I want to give you the tools and confidence that you need so you can be your best and to ensure you are equipped to deal with whatever arises in you future.

Every person is an individual with different needs and requirements so coaching programmes can be longer for some than others.

Don’t worry about sounding professional. Sound like you. There are over 1.5 billion websites out there, but your story is what’s going to separate this one from the rest. If you read the words back and don’t hear your own voice in your head, that’s a good sign you still have more work to do.

Be clear, be confident and don’t overthink it. The beauty of your story is that it’s going to continue to evolve and your site can evolve with it. Your goal should be to make it feel right for right now. Later will take care of itself. It always does.


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